
Shirt Design Template Paint Tool Sai

I use Paint Tool Sai does anyone else?

  • by CarpeDium
  • posted Jun 06, 2013 in Tips & Tricks

However I don't know how to move/paste my designs to the template for submissions can anyone help me out?

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gabras profile pic

Hi man, I think you should definitely use photoshop for that!


El-Be profile pic

If you don't have PS, Gimpshop will do the same job for you, it's a free download just have a little search for it.


Goldendust profile pic

I've never used Sai but it should be possible? Is your design painted directly on the background, or did you create your artwork on a separate layer?


CarpeDium profile pic

Yeah my old computer died and I lost all my programs so I have to use Paint tool sai plus i find it difficult to use the brush in Photoshop Gabras El- be Ill look it up heykimby Atm it's a W.I.P for one of the contests but no I use separate layers


gabras profile pic

I mean use Photoshop to put the design into the template, for the brush you're totally right! Think you should work with separate layers, Elias: this will semplify a bunch your work in the future.


CarpeDium profile pic

Yeah that makes sense only problem now is finding another copy of photoshop. Side note is there a tutorial specifically for putting designs on threadless templates? I browsed the net can't seem to find a good one. Thanks for the help


jas7229 profile pic

I think adobe has CS2 suite free? I'd imagine it's really old, but it could be easier than paying a lot for a newer version if you're not intending it really use the program anyway. Or you could use a free program like Gimp. I'm not sure about where to find a tutorial though. Could you just import it as a layer and put it beneath your design layers?


CarpeDium profile pic

Thanks I got the free Photoshop. Just curious what size do you guys usually do your designs in?


CarpeDium profile pic

I mean canvas size


CarpeDium profile pic



El-Be profile pic

You need to design your images at 300ppi and however big in inches your design will actually be on the tee (or at least roughly) So a 12" x 12" design would be 3600px x 3600px. Your submissions need to be in 72ppi, so you'll need to make sure you reduce the resolution when creating your mock ups, hope this helps.


CarpeDium profile pic

yeah it does thanks

Shirt Design Template Paint Tool Sai


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